Tuesday 3 April 2012

Crazy thing called 'LIFE'

What is life?
Is it joy? Is it innocence?
Is it love? Is it togetherness?
Is it a drama? Is it a show?
Or is it a fruit, hanging from a tree’s bough?
I say that life is nothing but
Emptiness, a void
That is gradually filled
With uncountable and unmentionable experiences
Experiences! So unique so nuanced

Life is so amusing
For what is lost is not really lost
And what is gained is not really gained
‘Tis a mighty circle
Apparently continuous
But with a definite end
The end is a guessing game
That will put all your fame to shame
Why is it that our head is stuck?
Either in the past or the future
The answer to that my friend
Lies in our HOPES
The hope that our future would be as pleasant as our past
The hope that our future will not be as bleak as our past.

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